
Kamala Harris


Heading into Election Day, very few undecided voters remain in America. However, CNN found a few in Arizona and surveyed them post-debate last night. The big news: Even among people who are still considering voting for Trump, as many voters as not felt that Sen. Kamala Harris won the VP debate against Mike Pence, with two voters considering it a tie. Go to minute 4:00 here and watch it: The upshot? Even among people still open to voting for Trump, Harris held her own against Pence, who universally seemed to be described as a “polished” and “seasoned” debater by every cable news pundit going. That’s bad news for the Trump-Pence ticket.

It might not be a surprise that Sen. Kamala Harris would be bringing in a boatload of cash from Californians as she runs for President. But a quickie analysis shows that she is not merely besting the competition;…

Sen. Kamala Harris is making a big play for union support in her run for President, focusing principally on education and childcare workers. Teachers’ unions have been financially hammered by the Supreme Court decision in Janus and are…